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Inspire and Energize your Students 

Cultivate Kindness, Inclusion, and Respect...

through a Laughfest with Substance

Highly-Engaging Assemblies,
Student Leadership
& Evening Parent/Community Programs

Laugh-filled, POSITIVE, family-friendly, FUN, and crowd-pleasing programs emphasizing:

•  a culture of KINDNESS
•  starting with YES
•  DIVERSITY as a key strength of community 

• Positive, healthy choices (addressing vaping, tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs)

• Soft skills essentials for success


Kevin’s hilariously effective programs spread a contagiously-positive, unforgettable mindset that inspires educators to create and maintain inclusive, positive, productive environments in the classroom and beyond. His trademark “Choose ALOHA” philosophy helps us reconnect with the simple and essential wisdom we too often forget. Kevin brings audiences together at all levels: administrator to educator, colleague to colleague, teacher to student, peer to peer, youth to youth.


Students leave Kevin's programs with a sense that they are not alone, that they matter; a heightened sense of personal awareness; a new appreciation for differences and commonalities; and excitement about fulfilling their potential in school and beyond.

for High Schools

Kevin Wanzer speaking at a school program

Kevin’s signature presentation for high school students is a roller coaster ride of comedy that educates about important teen issues while helping teens realize and appreciate their tremendous power and potential.

Staying drug-free is a key focus (with specific messaging about the dangers of vaping, tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs), as well as bullying prevention and student empowerment. Kevin offers high school programs that celebrate and reinforce positive choices while enabling “pre-adults” to step back and remember that one’s attitude affects everything, and it’s never too late to change it for the better.

for Middle Schools

Kevin Wanzer middle school programs

Kevin’s presentations for middle schools challenge students to achieve personal excellence by breaking the mold — doing the unexpected and expressing uniqueness.

Kevin delivers highly substantive programs on remaining drug free (with specific messaging about the dangers of vaping, tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs), making responsible positive choices, and on bullying prevention in a fast-paced, hilariously effective entertaining way. Kevin helps young people understand and appreciate that they they can be successful, socially accepted and happy while also remaining authentic, drug-free, strong, and kind to each other.

Lauren Barbelet superintendent

“Teachers and students are not just entertained, they are inspired… validated and challenged to help change the world… As an educator for 25 years, I have no reservation in recommending Kevin Wanzer.”

–Lauren Barbelet

Superintendent of

Woodcliff Lake Schools

for Elementary Schools

Kevin Wanzer elementary school programs

Kevin’s presentations for elementary school audiences perfectly reinforce substance abuse (with specific messaging about the dangers of vaping, tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs) and bullying prevention curricula, and promote strong character development.

Better than a run-of-the-mill assembly, his program takes young audiences on an educational journey that helps them make positive choices now and for the future. As elementary students prepare for their challenging teen years, Kevin models an outstandingly positive mindset and a variety of ways to have fun — all drug free — and all delivered through laughter.

corporate logos of past clients of Kevin Wanzer
logos of Kevin Wanzer past audiences

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Direct (317) 260-6642     •     Choose to Love, LLC     •     2020 Idlewood Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240

Copyright 2015-2025 by C. Kevin Wanzer and Choose to Love, LLC

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